Our Story 我們的故事

Churchill's was conceived over a few beers as two British expats in Taipei discussed their wish for tasty premium quality European-style sausages that reminded them of home. The result is a range of delicious sausages made from high-quality meat in natural casings and made with no artificial additives or preservatives. We hope you enjoy them.

所有的堅持 從思念家鄉味開始...

定居在台北的兩位英國人,在日常的聚會裡邊喝著啤酒、邊聊著他們對家鄉美味香腸的思念,這讓他們想起了家。 於是他們許下了"美味的優質歐式香腸"的願望,結果是一系列的各國傳統美味香腸就此誕生。 由天然腸衣與優質肉製成,無人工添加劑或防腐劑,我們希望你喜歡它們。

Why "CHURCHILL'S" ? 品牌概念

The name “Churchill's” is a nod to Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in the 1940s and one of the most famous and respected men in British history. We're proud to be British and our first product was a British-style traditional pork sausage. Our British bulldog logo looks like Winston, and both dog and man reflect certain values that we respect; class, tradition, integrity and tenacity.

我們的品牌 Churchill's 是對前英國首相邱吉爾的致意。他是英國1940年代歷史中,一位最出名且最受人尊敬的人物。 我們對身為英國人感到驕傲,而且我們的第一款香腸就是英式傳統豬肉香腸。 品牌Logo上以邱吉爾首相為形象的〝英國鬥牛犬〞反映出了我們心中的英式價值:格調、傳統、誠信和韌性。

Quality Assurance 品質保證

Churchill’s premium sausages made in Taiwan to the highest food safety standards. Our sausages and sausage rolls are manufactured on an ODM basis by Brothers Frozen Foods Co., Ltd, which has ISO 22000 and HACCP Certifications for the Food and Drink Industry. We use a variety of imported spices, add no preservatives and minimally process the meat, giving a natural and delicious, authentic taste.
